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Table of Contents
Here you can find projects I have carried out or participated in.

If you have any comments or suggestions, don’t hesitate to ask! It would be awesome to receive feedback.

GoCleasy #

GoCleasy is a Fast, Intuitive, and Easy Golang Solution for Freeing Up Disk Space! It is a lightweight Golang application designed with one purpose in mind: to help you identify and delete heavy files effortlessly. You can scan your entire system or the path you select, analyzing file sizes with remarkable speed. Whether you’re a tech professional or a casual user, GoCleasy empowers you to reclaim valuable disk space without the headaches.


ALSDA (Analyzing Latency of the Semantic Data Aggregator) is a repository complementary to Semantic Data Agregator containing source code for testing and plotting results. This repository is additional material for the article "A data infrastructure for heterogeneous telemetry adaptation. Application to Netflow-based cryptojacking detection".

gdback-client #

GDBack is a tool developed in Golang to extract relevant information about the system. This can be useful when performing an investigation on a computer. The collected data is stored in a sqlite file.

aqt-stego #

aqt-stego is a steganography poc that hides messages in html pages by using a combination of attribute, quote, and tag encoding.